Group health care costs are out of control। In the past 2 years we have seen renewals between 10-15% this is way too much for the average business to handle. More and more employers are starting to put the pressure on employees now to share in some of the cost and only 5% of employers offer 100% coverage to their employees.
The employers can use different strategies that will allow them to determine their healthcare premiums for the upcoming year not the insurance company। You heard that right the employer will have a say in how much the premiums will be। We do this by taking a look at some new plans and how much exposure the employer and employees have। On the average the employer will save 30% on their health care costs while providing 100% coverage। The strategies can be found at EasyToInsureMe.com
In a perfect situation this is what will happen
In a perfect situation this is what will happen
We will use 2 very simple equations.
The example below will be for a 15-employee group.
Equation #1
15 employees no deductible 100% coverage
Premium ($100,000) = healthcare
15 employees 1,000 deductible 100% coverage
*The deductible is not used by every employee in fact most likely only 5 employees will satisfy it
Premium ($60,000)+ Variable (1,000 deductible multiplied by 15 employees) = $15,000
Maximum Exposure for the year of $75,000
That’s a 40% reduction in premium with 100% coverage and if all benefits are exhausted by the end of the year by every employee it is still a 25% reduction overall. So get rid of the increase and reduce your costs take control of your group health premiums. EasyToInsureMe.com
That’s a 40% reduction in premium with 100% coverage and if all benefits are exhausted by the end of the year by every employee it is still a 25% reduction overall. So get rid of the increase and reduce your costs take control of your group health premiums. EasyToInsureMe.com