Pennsylvania Uninsured Helping Pennsylvanians since 2005
Quoting and Saving on your insurance coverage has never been easier. You're a few seconds away from obtaining detailed quotes for Pennsylvania health insurance programs. |
EasyToInsureME Some states in the US require that all citizens of their state be covered for Health Insurance. Pennsylvania is one of the states that allows PA citizens to receive Free Health Insurance. There are 2 free health insurance programs CHIP for children and AdultBasic for adults. However a Pennsylvania resident must qualify first. Do you Qualify for CHIP see income charts and apply now at Do you Qualify for AdutlBasic see income charts and apply now at SO, HOW DO I SIGN UP for CHIP?
SO, HOW DO I SIGN UP for AdultBasic? Recognizing the need to provide quality healthcare coverage that is accessible and affordable to the Commonwealths uninsured adult population, adultBasic was launched in 2002 to cover the basic healthcare needs of Pennsylvanians age 19-64 who have no health insurance and who meet certain eligibility requirements.